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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Home Schooling day - how it goes

Off they went,
Buttoned up with umbrellas to boot to look for snails in a rare LA light rainy day.
Georgia, the snail lover, tapper wear container in hand, ready to capture and bring home to me the unwanted slimers.

People always ask me, "so how do you do it, how many hours a day? do you start in the morning and teach for a few hours?"
Well, no.
I don't have a schedule, I don't follow any strict regimen or any home school program out there (and there are many).
First thing in the morning (between 7 -7:30) Wylder and Georgia get to start the day whenever they wake up playing their Nintendo or watching TV. This goes on 'till about 9am. When Georgia will be called upon either to do a chapter in one of her homework books, Math, Language, spelling. This will take her about an hour, mostly because she'll spend a good amount of time on pouting and complaining that she needs urgently to be doing something else. Then she'll usually practice piano with her dad for another 25 minutes.
Then she's free to do something which does not involve a screen. Read maybe????? NO WAY!
Wylder will be called upon to play educational games on his dad's computer, as opposed to the non educational ones he was playing before.
Then, in the late afternoon or evening we will sit down to read (Georgia and I) and look up difficult words in the dictionary. Georgia likes the dictionary.
Wylder will be busy counting and talking in numbers throughout the day.
This morning he was playing a math game when Daniel said to him "call me when you get to 1000"
Wylder replied. "No, 100, dad, 1000 is too much"
During the day we'll often ask Georgia to answer timetable questions and spelling words, but very casually and not in a sit-down manner.
computer games are the best. But for, sure, screens are by far the favorite play object in this house hold so all too often we simply take advantage of that if I need to get anything done.
Here's what happened today for instance. Georgia wanted to make a short film to send to the "I Carly" TV show, She loves the show and is always looking for ways to get on it.
Her initial idea was to make a film about, how to crack open a coconut.
Mission accomplished they (Daniel Georgia and Wylder, with me hovering in the background taking my own pics in the other camera) moved on to shooting other things.

Namely, a "tickle my brother short. Wylder is very good at being tickled.
He gets into a laughing fit quite willingly and was happy to "act" his part for the movie.
It turned out to be a busy day and that's almost without leaving the house (accept for a short stint to look for snail, which were never found).

Afternoon tea.

And call it what you like break.

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