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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Nintendo DS and Banana Squash for dinner.

I live in a house hold dominated by computer screens and computer games..
In our small one bed room there are four computer (screens) two Nintendo games
And One TV (screen)
Georgia and Wylder wake up in the morning and immediately dive into their Nintendo. I allow it because that's how I get my sun saluting to happen.
About and hour later (when I'm putting breakfast on the table) they are still in a far away land with Wylder singing along with the game's suspense music the whole time. It takes some serious temptations to wiggle the screens out of them and allow the "Tendos" as we call them to go to sleep and get charged.

The "Tendo" obsession began when he was two.
We had finally agreed to get Georgia (who was 6) her first Nintendo. To our great surprise Wylder immediately took over the device and had complete control of the buttons and screen.
Terrible fights ensued and 2 days later we got our second "Tendo"
True, the boy taught himself the ABC at 19 month (Lower case as well as Upper), but this????
Now at three, he can count to 10,000, he can count by ten, he can count by hundreds, you name it the boy is obsessed with numbers. I'm not saying "Tendo" is good education.
I don't know what it's doing to his little/big brain. I am however, very curious to see the kind of people this "screen" generation will evolve into. but for now it remains to be seen.
Georgia is, and always has been proficient with computers and she too was reading by age 3, but Wylder's command of the screen borders the eerie.
I think it's a generational thing because I can attest to the fact that Wylder was born with it.
I think this is an important chip and for Wylder there ain't anything I can think of that would provide him with the kind of constant stimulation that he needs as well as computer games do, many of which are educational.
When he was only days old he would stop crying promptly and was mesmerized if we started counting.
But still, watching him I worry. My homeschooling philosophy is that being at home is important. We spend the majority of our time inside rather than in parks and other out door amusements, so screens do come with the territory, it's just finding the balance, the constant battle. The same as it is with sweets, all day everyday.
My kids will prefer a screen to a book anytime. And although I read to Georgia and she enjoys it very much, for the most part it's a screen that she'll be glued to. I had always imagined myself reading to my daughter, but she was never was enthusiastic about sitting down to read.

But that's for a whole 'nother post.

As for today's menu. I present to you ... Bulgur..
Banana squash with Bulgur.
Bulgur is one of my favorite grains (I have many though).
The beauty of bulgur is that it doesn't need to be cooked at all.
I often just pour boiling water over it (just enough to cover) add butter and salt and cover the dish. After just 10 minutes you got a wonderful pasta like dish that is way healthier and yummier. Georgia looooves it.
For tonight dish:
I whole onion peeled and cut
2 pounds of Banana Squash (any squash will do)
1/2-1 cup bulgur.
3 tbls of chopped parsley.
3tbls Extra Virgin Olive oil.
Sea salt.
Saute onions 'till transluscent.
add squash and sautee until soft.
If needed add water as you cook to speed up the process (I like to add broth for flavor)
When squash is soft add the bulgur (add liquid only if necessary be careful not to make a soup)

Add Parsley just before serving.

I served it with home made Tahini on the side.
Made according to the instruction on container. (be sure to get a good quality Tahini made of 100% sesame seeds.
For protein we had hard boiled eggs with this.
Bon Appetite.

As for sex, I can only report about last night. Yes we had ourselves some great sex. I guess I'm still excited about the new liberation I've discovered in my latest resolve, but to say that I(we) will keep this up for ever . . . . .

Sweet Dreams.

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